Lake Barn
New Build

West Sussex
Private Domestic Client
RIBA Stages:
1 – 3 (Inception to Planning)
The clients came to us with the desire to build a new 4-bed contemporary eco-house on an undeveloped rural plot, articulated within defined northern and southern wings, which were to be linked via a floor-to-ceiling glazed entrance hall with an impressive circular skylight. They were also keen to explore modern methods of construction, with the final decision to utilise Structural Insulated Panel (SIPs) to build all the above ground structure, instead of traditional cavity walls.
The separate wings of the house allowed for quite defined areas, with the Southern portion featuring the key spaces, being the master suite with walk-in dressing and a large open plan kitchen, dining, living area with wood burner, all set under vaulted ceilings with views in the surrounding countryside. The Northern area, which is more naturally secluded, contains the secondary accommodation of en-suite guest bedrooms, bathroom, study and plant room. The arrangement of the building into two wings also manages to define the external spaces, most significantly a West facing terrace which is principally accessed from the main living space, with built-in fire pit for external dining and entertaining.

The single storey building is finished with a modern clean appearance, using white render and large areas of triple glazing to create simple yet distinct elevations. To fulfil the eco-brief a vast array of renewable and innovative technologies feature as part of the design, including an extensive solar PV array, green sedum roof finish, air-source heat pump, a discreet infrared space heating ceiling system, self-sufficient surface and foul water systems and a fresh water bore hole.